Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a Father Looks for in a Suitor - Voddie Baucham

Excellent sermonaudio message by Dr. Voddie Baucham speaking at Mount Zion Bible church. The message is packed with solid instructional teaching on Christian characteristics that a father needs to look for in a suitor, but beyond just this, gives guidance for daughters in terms of what they should look for, as well as for son in terms of what they should be. I think Voddie is right on with this, as it is just dangerous to just send our children out into the world, with a worldly philosophy of, "they are 18, so 'leave and cleave' and send them out into the world", leaving it to them to find a mate without parental guidance in finding a suitor - and not just seeing out characteristics such as "handsome" or "witty", but rather be an individual with a heart for Christ and passion for nurturing his wife and guiding her sanctification, in addition to a commitment to shepherding their children's hearts as well. Excellent and timely teaching.

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